Using this module, you can avail the following 6 services:

  1. Find Vacancies in Companies for Independent Directors and for Women Directors

    You can obtain access to a daily updated list of companies which do not have the required number of Independent Directors (as per SEBI LODR), companies which do not have a woman director and also companies which do not have a woman independent director and thus would need to appoint Independent Directors (or women directors or women independent directors) to comply. A daily email alert shall also be sent to you by us as soon as a vacancy gets created in a company.

  2. Daily Independent Director Board Changes Email Alert

    You shall receive email alerts whenever there is a new appointment or a cessation of an Independent Director on the board of any NSE-listed company.

  3. View all Independent Directors Profiles

    You can view the profiles of all Independent Directors on the boards of NSE-listed companies. The profiles cover age, gender, nationality, membership to civil services, educational qualifications, skills/competencies, present occupation, directorships in other listed (including tenure) and unlisted companies, resignations from listed companies, membership of board committees, board meeting attendance, brief biography, remuneration data (including ratio to median remuneration) and regulatory actions against him/her, if any.

    The profiles also covers each director’s connectivity with other directors of any company (created on the basis of their past and present directorships in companies). Using the connectivity feature, you can identify people in your network who may know board members of companies where you are looking for a directorship.

  4. Forthcoming Expiry of Independent Director Tenures

    You can view the term expiry dates of various independent directors on the boards of NSE listed companies. Some of these companies shall be looking out for replacements.

  5. Forthcoming IPOs

    You can view details of all forthcoming IPOs (where intention to launch an IPO has been announced by the company in the last 365 days). It also includes companies which have filed their DRHP with SEBI for approval and companies which have already received SEBI approval. Some of these companies may be looking out for independent directors to join their boards.

  6. Indian Boards Resource Centre

    Indian Boards Resource Centre is a repository of news articles on critical corporate governance issues.

The above services are available through an Annual Subscription. To subscribe, please send an email to We shall then get back to you with pricing and other details.