Product Summary
India’s first and only database dedicated to providing comprehensive data and analytics on ownership of companies. All filings made under Insider & Takeover Regulations (including filings relating to invocation of shares), Bulk and Block Deals, quarterly Shareholding Patterns as also monthly portfolio disclosures made by Mutual Funds are captured to provide updated shareholding (as also change in shareholding between 2 dates). This database is updated on a daily basis.
Search Parameters
- Company/NSE Symbol
- Industry
- Index
- Group
- Market Capitalisation
- Shareholder Name
- Shareholder Name ‘Contains’
- Shareholder Category
- FPI Group
- FPI Category
- Value of Shares
- Date (to view holdings as on a particular date or change between 2 dates)
Some of the other first-of-a-kind value-added features/reports of this database are:
- Last Reported Holding Date
- Individual Transaction-level data
- Incorporation of System Driven Disclosures
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