AGM/EGM & Postal Ballot Resolutions Database

1,81,016 resolutions across 35,600 events (as on 26-JUL-2024)

Product Summary

India’s first and only database dedicated to providing comprehensive data and analytics on resolutions passed or proposed to be passed in AGM/EGMs, through postal ballots and in Court/NCLT Convened Meetings along with the voting result of each such resolution. This database is updated on a daily basis.

Search Parameters

  • Company/NSE Symbol
  • Industry
  • Index
  • Group
  • Market Capitalisation
  • Event Type (AGM/EGM/Postal Ballot/ Court/NCLT Convened Meetings)
  • Resolutions (resolutions have been standardised and a master list of such resolutions has been created to make the database searchable), along with a filter to search only for such resolutions which are ‘RPT (Related Party Transactions)’
  • Period

Some of the other first-of-a-kind value-added features/reports of this database are:

  • Full verbatim text of resolutions as filed by the company (typically inaccessible or irretrievable as it exists only in PDF formats, image files etc.)
  • Identification of shareholder proposed resolutions
  • Scanned copy of filings made to stock exchange
  • Voting details, resolution-wise, including details of how the Promoters, Institutional Shareholders and Other Public Shareholders voted
  • Information available in multiple notifications and outcomes filed by companies on multiple dates for the same AGM/EGM, postal ballot or Court/NCLT Convened Meeting has been brought together at one place
  • Voting by Mutual Funds (since April 2014)
  • Resolutions Voted against by shareholders

Database Coverage

Companies Period
All Companies listed on NSE 1st April 2013 onwards
Companies exclusively listed on BSE with market capitalization of more than Rs.1000 crore 1st April 2019 onwards

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