1,95,487 resolutions across 38,746 events (as on 21-JAN-2025)
Product Summary
India’s first and only database dedicated to providing comprehensive data and analytics on resolutions passed or proposed to be passed in AGM/EGMs, through postal ballots and in Court/NCLT Convened Meetings along with the voting result of each such resolution. This database is updated on a daily basis.
Search Parameters
- Company/NSE Symbol
- Industry
- Index
- Group
- Market Capitalisation
- Event Type (AGM/EGM/Postal Ballot/ Court/NCLT Convened Meetings)
- Resolutions (resolutions have been standardised and a master list of such resolutions has been created to make the database searchable), along with a filter to search only for such resolutions which are ‘RPT (Related Party Transactions)’
- Period
Some of the other first-of-a-kind value-added features/reports of this database are:
- Full verbatim text of resolutions as filed by the company (typically inaccessible or irretrievable as it exists only in PDF formats, image files etc.)
- Identification of shareholder proposed resolutions
- Scanned copy of filings made to stock exchange
- Voting details, resolution-wise, including details of how the Promoters, Institutional Shareholders and Other Public Shareholders voted
- Information available in multiple notifications and outcomes filed by companies on multiple dates for the same AGM/EGM, postal ballot or Court/NCLT Convened Meeting has been brought together at one place
- Voting by Mutual Funds (since April 2014)
- Resolutions Voted against by shareholders
Database Coverage
Companies |
Period |
All Companies listed on NSE |
1st April 2013 onwards |
Companies exclusively listed on BSE with market capitalization of more than Rs.1000 crore |
1st April 2019 onwards |
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